Corporate donations and company matching programs are all the rage in the 21st century, and their popularity is sure to continue rising. In 2017 corporate giving increased by 8% from 2016, contributing its $20.77 billion to 5.7% of total global giving. Consumers reward companies that have corporate social responsibility programs. In fact, 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for goods and services at companies that are dedicated to philanthropy.

Corporate philanthropy comes with benefits. By partnering with a nonprofit organization, a corporation can take a donation and turn it into a brand marketing opportunity. This is not a new concept. Ninety percent of companies surveyed in 2018 indicated that a partnership with a nonprofit organization enhances their brand and 89% believe a partnership improves the company’s ability to help the community. A good product or service is likely not enough to make consumers ignore a poor corporate social responsibility program. A good CSR program can improve public image and tie in a company’s brand with a positive message or mission, elevating their good deeds well beyond their dollar amount.

Corporate social responsibility can also expand media coverage. When partnering a 501(c)3 organization, corporations can leverage the nonprofit’s digital assets, such as social media and mass email marketing. Nonprofit email list size has increased an average of 7% in the last few years and, as reported in the 2019 M+R Benchmarks study, “nonprofits had an average of 806 Facebook fans, 286 Twitter followers, and 101 Instagram followers” for every 1,000 email addresses.

Companies can quickly and easily find vetted nonprofits to partner with and grow their CSR programs with When companies join — for free — they can anonymously search organizations and reach out to those that fit their criteria, such as core beliefs and company values. Nonprofits list their digital asset audiences and stated need for funding, making it easy for companies to find a match.

Start searching for your nonprofit match today. It’s always free for businesses, and vetted nonprofit organizations are waiting to start a partnership.